The art of biking together

This is the result of an assignment for narrowcasting within Brabant2018

My project is called “The art of biking together”. It`s a combination of stop motion and 2D animation
that illustrates an imaginary situation of two hands folding a piece of paper. In the beginning there is no
clue about the geographical location of action. On every side of the folded paper can be seen different
animated characters riding a bicycle which is the first sign that the action is about Netherlands. At the
end the hands unfold the paper that becomes the Brabant flag; the last part is the pay-off that reveals
the true subject of the video.
The sequence is intended to look like a magic trick performed in a park. The message is communicated
through a metaphor: you can turn it on every side to discover a different character, but in the end
they`re all on the same page. The metaphor refers to the community that gets along; there are so many
different people in Brabant but in the same time they are connected to each other.

Character concepts:
Captions from the animation:



Assignment for narrowcasting
